What’s the WoL?

The Weekend of Local (WOL) is a ampaign encouraging customers throughout Oklahoma to go visit, shop and eat from local businesses between July 12-14. We’re calling on all Oklahomans to show up and spend money at local businesses only throughout that weekend.


Because if Amazon can have Prime Days, small businesses should have something nice too.

Because small businesses are the heartbeat of our community and we want to celebrate and recognize the people who make it so special.


The Weekend of Local is an initiative spearheaded by the Independent Shopkeepers Association (ISA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization with a goal to support local shops in Oklahoma. ISA has partnered with organizations statewide to make this campaign possible. Thanks to Main Street organizations, district directors and chambers of commerce throughout the state, the Weekend of Local will be one for all Oklahoma communities to celebrate.